How big is the global web3 advertising adspend market?

An evaluation including how it blends with the $750B annual online ad spend

5 billion people use the internet, of which 4.5 billion use some form of social media.

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The United States has the highest percentage of GDP spent towards advertising (at 1.36%), about $160 is spent on each of the 300 million users - the highest per capita spend (how much is spent in online advertising per user).

Etherscan puts the number of ethereum wallets at 200M as of mid September '22.

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200M unique ethereum wallets, let's assume the same number including other across all chains.
100M assuming 50% the average wallet holder has two wallets $100 ad spend assumed per wallet holder - as opposed to $160 in the US ( vs $35 among lower - in China, Interestingly $750 global annual ad spend / 5 billion internet users is also $160)

brings us to a $10B annual ad spend

$10B annual ad spend

$10B (look for $2.5B per quarter in the chart below) was the annual online ad spend in the 90's when the internet population was also around 100 million users.

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$1.5 trillion is spent on advertising of all kinds (50% of all advertising is now digital as of 2022) $750 billion is the global digital ad spend $189 billion is the total revenue from online advertising companies 25% being the margin

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So with a $10B ad spend, would be a the current revenue opportunity annually at $2.5B

current revenue opportunity assuming a 25% margin would be $2.5B annually


With the right onramps, fiat could be used to spend on crypto ad networks. With the right offramps, crypto funds can be offramped to spend on existing ad networks which opens up the entire $750B market for players on both sides. That said - Google, Facebook seem to be taking a cautious approach in allowing crypto related campaigns, even banning a majority of them to ward off bad actors.

with the right onramps and offramps - the entire $750B is addressable, growing at 12%.